Disease and Fungus controls are know as fungicides. Most fungicides are chemical but there are a few that are seen as more ‘green’ alternatives containing sulphur and copper.
Fruit & Vegetable Fungicide
Arbrex Seal & Heal
- Pruning paint with easy to use brush applicator.
- Seals and heals pruning cuts on all types of trees
- Protects against ingress of diseases and harmful pests e.g. coral spot, silverleaf, etc
- Can be used down to -10°C
- Suitable for organic gardening
- Active Ingredients: Natural Resin
Cheshunt Compound
- A soluble fungicide that helps prevent damping-off disease in seedlings.
- Can be used on all seedlings.
- Great value; makes 50 litres.
- Suitable for organic gardening.
- Active Ingredient: Copper Sulphate.
- Hormone Rooting Powder
- For use on all types of cuttings
- Handy dibber cap.
-Active Ingredient: 1-napthylacetic acid.
Fruit & Vegetable Disease Control (protective fungicide) - Dithane Replacement
- Controls common fungal diseases in selected crops.
- Effective against a wide range of plant diseases, including blight on potatoes and outdoor tomatoes
- Treats peach leaf curl, canker on apples and pears, bacterial canker on cherries and plums
- Use for damping off problems on seedlings of edible and ornamental garden plants
- Active Ingredients: Copper Oxychloride
Plant Rescue Fungus Killer Fruit, Veg & Plants
-Can be used to control many fungal diseases including black spot, mildew, rusts and scab on fruits, vegetables and ornamental. It is fast acting to protect against infections and stop disease. - - Its long lasting action protects for up to 20 days.
- Uses: Use to control fungal diseases indoors and outdoors on ornamental plants including roses and listed edible crops, including; apple, pear, plum, rhubarb, brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and asparagus.
- Non-toxic to bees
-Contains: Difenoconazole
Systhane Fungus Fighter
- Advanced general purpose systemic fungicide liquid concentrate.
- Controls a wide range of fungal diseases including black spot, powdery mildew, rust and scab
- For use on ornamental garden plants, fruit and roses
- Easy to measure liquid formulation
- Active Ingredients: Myclobutanil
Yellow Sulphur
- The traditional, proven treatment against powdery mildew on many fruit and vegetable and flowering plants, including gooseberry, chrysanthemum, cineraria, cucumber, delphinium, ornamental hop, hyacinth, marrow, pea, rose and strawberry.
- It is suitable for both outdoor and greenhouse use.
- For the best results, the powder should be applied at the first signs of disease to both sides of the foliage in affected plants.
- A minimum of seven days should be allowed between treatments.
- Yellow Sulphur will also protect bulbs, corms and tubers against storage rot, including Penicillium rot in gladioli and Schlerotina rot in dahlia.
- The powder should be applied before storing away.
Bordeaux Mixture
- Applied at the first signs of disease activity Bordeaux Mixture will control a wide range of fruit and vegetable leaf diseases including leaf moulds, potato blight, tomato blight, rusts, peach leaf curl, bacterial canker on cherry and plum, and apple canker.
- Bordeaux Mixture is mixed with water and then applied, without drenching, as a fine spray to both sides of affected foliage.
- The actual dilution rates vary from plant to plant and full instructions are provided on the product label.
- Contains: Copper Sulphate
Ornamental Plant Fungicide
Fungus Clear (RTU)
- Systemic protection and control of blackspot, powdery mildew and rust.
- Use on roses, other flowering and ornamental plants.
- Protects new growth.
- Contains: Myclobutanil.
Fungus Clear (Concentrate)
- Systemic protection and control of blackspot, powdery mildew and rust.
- Use on roses, other flowering and ornamental plants.
- Protects new growth.
- Protects for over 3 months.
- Next generation active ingredient: Triticonazole.
Fungus Fighter - Disease Control (Bayer Garden)
- A general purpose ready to use systematic fungicide.
- Controls black spot, powdery mildew and rust
- For use on all ornamental garden plants
- Active Ingredients: Myclobutanil
Multirose Concentrate
- Systemic fungicide plus natural insecticide.
- Protects roses and ornamental garden plants.
- Keeps plants healthy and prevents leaf loss caused by disease and pests.
- Protects against blackspot, rust and powdery mildew for up to 2 weeks.
- Kills greenfly, blackfly, whitefly, scale, thrips and mites.
- Active Ingredients: Myclobutanil & rapeseed oil.
Plant Rescue Fungus Killer For Flowering Plants
- Plant Rescue Fungus RTU can be used to control many fungal diseases including black spot, powdery mildew and rusts on ornamentals.
- It is fast acting to protect against infections and stop disease. Its long lasting action protects for up to 14 days.
- Applied to control and protect against a range of fungal diseases at the beginning of the season to prevent infection or when the first signs of infection are evident
- Non-toxic to bees
RoseClear Ultra (3in1)
- Systemic insecticide and systemic fungicide to control pest & disease.
- Contains: